
An inspired vision brought to a new digital experience


With the business undergoing rapid transformation and a new sustainability strategy to communicate, Pura approached Seamless Studio in order to rethink their global e-commerce platform experience.

Pura had a digital structural problem with two active websites: one was an E-commerce and the other an institutional landing page. This division and lack of user experience logic generated confusion, and was consequently costing the company sales.
Another part of the challenge Pura faced lay deeper in the brand's core: both concept and narrative were still unclear. The organization started to revise these internally, in order to unify and consolidate the Pura brand message in all consumer touch-points.

Our lean, sprint based approach helped us work with Pura to provide the company with the design support required to organize, restructure and funnel their message in an improved commercial digital experience. 

*The Pura project has been temporarily suspended.


Brand Strategy, Communications Strategy, Visual Design, Website (Frontend)




Buenos Aires, Argentina